Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
"We have been nice girls long enough. We’ve made our cholent…we should take to the streets." - Blu Greenberg
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
JOFA Panel: Separate but Equal? The Status of Women in Israel and the American Jewish Community

On November 28, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) held a panel titled Separate but Equal?: The Status of Women in
All in all, I really enjoyed this
panel and loved hearing such accomplished women speak about a topic so
important to me. I was originally leery of attending, since I was afraid the
discussion would devolve into an Israel-bashing rant. Happily, the opposite was
true. The whole discussion was guided by the concept that all the speakers and
attendees are such staunch supporters of Israel , it pains us to see our
homeland making poor decisions regarding women’s status.
One thing that really stood out
to me was the difference between women’s advancement in secular and religious
affairs. Ms. Weiss pointed out that women can reach high levels in the military
and that Israel ’s
laws about rape, sexual harassment, and employment are extremely progressive.
However, when it comes to women’s equality within the religious sphere, where
the state has given authority to the largely ultra-Orthodox rabbinical
establishment, women are consistently left behind.
Clearly, this is a problem that
needs to be remedied. Dr. Kehat was optimistic that this will happen sooner
rather than later, since ultra-Orthodox women have begun to ask Kolech for help
in fighting sexism within their own communities. It really made my day to hear
that these women are speaking up. If they don’t complain, nobody will know that
they’re unhappy with how they are treated and want it to change. Once they
begin to raise their voices, feminists (Orthodox and otherwise) are happy to
extend a helping hand.
I found it interesting that Kehat
discussed what I called the outfrummingness factor in this long-ago post.
Both of us defined it as when everybody tries to prove how much more frum
(religious) they are than the next guy by adhering to the strictest possible
interpretation of halakha (Jewish law), especially in regard to women’s
place and tzniut (modesty). I thought I was the only one who noticed
this and talked about it, so it was nice to see that I was wrong. Also feeding
into this was a discussion about crosspollination between Israel and America in regard to extreme
attitudes towards gender segregation. Ms. Sztokman pointed out that she sees it
on flights going to Israel :
in previous years, it was just the ultra-Orthodox who asked to switch seats to
be seated next to someone of the same sex. Now, a lot of Americans request it
Ms. Eisner and Ms. Kaufman
pointed out that what American Orthodox feminists consider important issues for
Israeli women aren’t actually terribly significant for most Israeli women,
since the country is largely secular. Although this actually makes a lot of
sense, I had never really thought about it before. As an Orthodox individual, I
consider praying at the Kotel HaMa’aravi (Western Wall) a fundamental right of
being a Jew; however, my secular Israeli sisters and brothers don’t really care
about praying at the Kotel, since it’s not something they’ve ever done or plan
on doing. “I told my friend in Ra’anana that I rode [segregated buses], she
looked at me like I was crazy. ‘What buses? What are you talking about, there
are segregated buses in Jerusalem ?’”
Kaufman said. “I think we do have some bridges to build between and among us,” Eisner
said. I couldn’t agree more.
Ms. Greenberg shared a story
about the first Women of the Wall meeting in 1988. She received the first aliyah
(call to read from the Torah) and as she was chanting the brakha
(blessing), men from the other side of the mehitzah (divider between the
sexes) began screaming for her to stop. “I did something that’s really
uncharacteristic of me which is that I screamed back, I screamed the bracha as
loud as I could.” This was mentioned in the context of a discussion on civil
disobedience, and I thought this was the absolutely most awesome example of
civil disobedience possible. I truly hope I can do something as rebellious, as
anti-establishment, as simply EPIC as Greenberg did.
I really appreciated that Ms.
Kaufman’s underscored the importance of reaching out to Modern Orthodox as well
as Haredi women. “They’re both allies,” she said. So often, ultra-Orthodox
women are considered the ones who need to be saved, possibly against their
will, by the uber-liberated Modern Orthodox women who are enlightened and
empowered. I was happy to hear Kaufman shatter this mistaken idea.
Although the panelists did their
share of critiquing Israel ,
they also defended the country. “[The media forgets] that the Anats in Sudan had their arms chopped off and the Anats
in Libya and Egypt and Afghanistan
get killed - Israel
is the only real democracy,” Greenberg said. Sztokman, who moderated the panel,
mentioned how she had once written an article about the problems in Israel , and how
horrible she felt when it was disseminated on anti-Semitic websites.
Ms. Greenberg gave an excellent
comparison between Israel
and a family: “We’re all part of a family…we should see we’re all in this
together and we should be totally identified. And right now I think Israel
should be our highest priority because part of our family is at risk. And the
way I see this in terms of the critique is that it’s like a fight in the
family, in that we care very much, just like family members care for each other
very much if they are fighting. And so something you do when you fight in the
family is you make room for the other, it’s not all about yourself, you make
room for the person who’s your antagonist for that moment, in a sense, and you
protect your family. I remember when our kids were teenagers and we had two of
our children…one of them was picking on one of the other children, but when it
came to any kind of public space he was her biggest advocate, you wouldn’t
realize that this is the same brother who is making her life miserable…in a way
it was a sweet thing to see. So you protect your family and part of that means
that you make sure that the enemies of your family don’t win, you do what you
have to do, you watch your language and you deliver your criticism in measured
tones, and you also challenge the language of those who are critical of other
members of your family.”
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
What a Fickle World
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
I find the stark contrast between yesteryear's societal beauty standards to those of today absolutely fascinating. When I first saw the above picture, I had to stare at it for a few seconds before I realized what it meant. What a fickle world we live in, where what equals beautiful changes so quickly.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Stand Up to Street Harassment
Monday, December 3, 2012
Young Activists Against Eating Disorders
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine
told me that she had an eating disorder for several years. When she told me, I
was really floored. I had known her for most of the time she was anorexic, but
I had never picked up even the tiniest hint. None of our friends had a clue,
either. I felt so bad that I wasn’t able to be there for her during a time when
she really needed someone to lean on, and that she had to go through all that
pain in the first place.
Eating disorders are very much a
women’s issue, considering 10 million females suffer from them in the United States
alone. Since I’m a person who believes in action and getting things
accomplished to end injustice and unfairness, I’m happy to say that there are a
number of young women who have spearheaded eating disorder awareness projects
and are fighting to end the prevalence of anorexia and bulimia among women.
One of these amazing young
activists is Nicole Javorsky. A student at Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in
New York who suffered from an eating disorder, she created the Mirror Mission
at her school to spread positive body image and awareness for eating disorders
in the community. She also created Cubs for Coping, which
gives handmade teddy bears to medical centers and eating disorder programs to
help patients recover. Cubs for Coping’s motto, “tiny teddy bear + lots of love
= hope for eating disorder patients” is really spot-on. The bears are really
adorable and well-made, a true comfort to anyone who receives them. Medical
centers can request to receive bears by emailing, and
you can purchase one at Cubs for Coping’s Etsy shop.
To show solidarity with Javorsky’s mission, you can like Cubs for Coping on
Facebook and follow it on Twitter.
I strongly recommend that anyone who needs or wants to give to tzedaka
(charity) donate to Cubs for Coping here.
Lizzie Elsberg, a student at the University of Virginia and an anorexia and bulimia
survivor, created the Purple Project. Named after the color of eating disorder
awareness, its goal is to encourage individuals to share their stories about
eating disorders and help those struggling with them. To participate in the
Purple Project, finish the sentence “I wear purple because…”, write your
statement down, take a picture of yourself with it while you’re wearing purple,
and email your picture to by December 15. Elsberg will
compile the pictures into a video about eating disorder awareness. “I want to
use this to help those who suffer and let them know that they are not alone and
that people want to support them,” she says. I plan on sending in a picture of
myself with a message, and strongly suggest that everyone who cares about
eating disorders and their devastating impact do soo, too!
Young women like Javorsky and
Elsberg really inspire me to do good in this world. They have taken their pain
and suffering and channeled it into positive outlets, where they can help
others overcome what they have gone through. My blessing to everyone in the
world is to be as strong and successful as they are.
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
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