Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
"We have been nice girls long enough. We’ve made our cholent…we should take to the streets." - Blu Greenberg
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
JOFA Panel: Separate but Equal? The Status of Women in Israel and the American Jewish Community

On November 28, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) held a panel titled Separate but Equal?: The Status of Women in
All in all, I really enjoyed this
panel and loved hearing such accomplished women speak about a topic so
important to me. I was originally leery of attending, since I was afraid the
discussion would devolve into an Israel-bashing rant. Happily, the opposite was
true. The whole discussion was guided by the concept that all the speakers and
attendees are such staunch supporters of Israel , it pains us to see our
homeland making poor decisions regarding women’s status.
One thing that really stood out
to me was the difference between women’s advancement in secular and religious
affairs. Ms. Weiss pointed out that women can reach high levels in the military
and that Israel ’s
laws about rape, sexual harassment, and employment are extremely progressive.
However, when it comes to women’s equality within the religious sphere, where
the state has given authority to the largely ultra-Orthodox rabbinical
establishment, women are consistently left behind.
Clearly, this is a problem that
needs to be remedied. Dr. Kehat was optimistic that this will happen sooner
rather than later, since ultra-Orthodox women have begun to ask Kolech for help
in fighting sexism within their own communities. It really made my day to hear
that these women are speaking up. If they don’t complain, nobody will know that
they’re unhappy with how they are treated and want it to change. Once they
begin to raise their voices, feminists (Orthodox and otherwise) are happy to
extend a helping hand.
I found it interesting that Kehat
discussed what I called the outfrummingness factor in this long-ago post.
Both of us defined it as when everybody tries to prove how much more frum
(religious) they are than the next guy by adhering to the strictest possible
interpretation of halakha (Jewish law), especially in regard to women’s
place and tzniut (modesty). I thought I was the only one who noticed
this and talked about it, so it was nice to see that I was wrong. Also feeding
into this was a discussion about crosspollination between Israel and America in regard to extreme
attitudes towards gender segregation. Ms. Sztokman pointed out that she sees it
on flights going to Israel :
in previous years, it was just the ultra-Orthodox who asked to switch seats to
be seated next to someone of the same sex. Now, a lot of Americans request it
Ms. Eisner and Ms. Kaufman
pointed out that what American Orthodox feminists consider important issues for
Israeli women aren’t actually terribly significant for most Israeli women,
since the country is largely secular. Although this actually makes a lot of
sense, I had never really thought about it before. As an Orthodox individual, I
consider praying at the Kotel HaMa’aravi (Western Wall) a fundamental right of
being a Jew; however, my secular Israeli sisters and brothers don’t really care
about praying at the Kotel, since it’s not something they’ve ever done or plan
on doing. “I told my friend in Ra’anana that I rode [segregated buses], she
looked at me like I was crazy. ‘What buses? What are you talking about, there
are segregated buses in Jerusalem ?’”
Kaufman said. “I think we do have some bridges to build between and among us,” Eisner
said. I couldn’t agree more.
Ms. Greenberg shared a story
about the first Women of the Wall meeting in 1988. She received the first aliyah
(call to read from the Torah) and as she was chanting the brakha
(blessing), men from the other side of the mehitzah (divider between the
sexes) began screaming for her to stop. “I did something that’s really
uncharacteristic of me which is that I screamed back, I screamed the bracha as
loud as I could.” This was mentioned in the context of a discussion on civil
disobedience, and I thought this was the absolutely most awesome example of
civil disobedience possible. I truly hope I can do something as rebellious, as
anti-establishment, as simply EPIC as Greenberg did.
I really appreciated that Ms.
Kaufman’s underscored the importance of reaching out to Modern Orthodox as well
as Haredi women. “They’re both allies,” she said. So often, ultra-Orthodox
women are considered the ones who need to be saved, possibly against their
will, by the uber-liberated Modern Orthodox women who are enlightened and
empowered. I was happy to hear Kaufman shatter this mistaken idea.
Although the panelists did their
share of critiquing Israel ,
they also defended the country. “[The media forgets] that the Anats in Sudan had their arms chopped off and the Anats
in Libya and Egypt and Afghanistan
get killed - Israel
is the only real democracy,” Greenberg said. Sztokman, who moderated the panel,
mentioned how she had once written an article about the problems in Israel , and how
horrible she felt when it was disseminated on anti-Semitic websites.
Ms. Greenberg gave an excellent
comparison between Israel
and a family: “We’re all part of a family…we should see we’re all in this
together and we should be totally identified. And right now I think Israel
should be our highest priority because part of our family is at risk. And the
way I see this in terms of the critique is that it’s like a fight in the
family, in that we care very much, just like family members care for each other
very much if they are fighting. And so something you do when you fight in the
family is you make room for the other, it’s not all about yourself, you make
room for the person who’s your antagonist for that moment, in a sense, and you
protect your family. I remember when our kids were teenagers and we had two of
our children…one of them was picking on one of the other children, but when it
came to any kind of public space he was her biggest advocate, you wouldn’t
realize that this is the same brother who is making her life miserable…in a way
it was a sweet thing to see. So you protect your family and part of that means
that you make sure that the enemies of your family don’t win, you do what you
have to do, you watch your language and you deliver your criticism in measured
tones, and you also challenge the language of those who are critical of other
members of your family.”
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
What a Fickle World
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
I find the stark contrast between yesteryear's societal beauty standards to those of today absolutely fascinating. When I first saw the above picture, I had to stare at it for a few seconds before I realized what it meant. What a fickle world we live in, where what equals beautiful changes so quickly.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Stand Up to Street Harassment
Monday, December 3, 2012
Young Activists Against Eating Disorders
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine
told me that she had an eating disorder for several years. When she told me, I
was really floored. I had known her for most of the time she was anorexic, but
I had never picked up even the tiniest hint. None of our friends had a clue,
either. I felt so bad that I wasn’t able to be there for her during a time when
she really needed someone to lean on, and that she had to go through all that
pain in the first place.
Eating disorders are very much a
women’s issue, considering 10 million females suffer from them in the United States
alone. Since I’m a person who believes in action and getting things
accomplished to end injustice and unfairness, I’m happy to say that there are a
number of young women who have spearheaded eating disorder awareness projects
and are fighting to end the prevalence of anorexia and bulimia among women.
One of these amazing young
activists is Nicole Javorsky. A student at Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in
New York who suffered from an eating disorder, she created the Mirror Mission
at her school to spread positive body image and awareness for eating disorders
in the community. She also created Cubs for Coping, which
gives handmade teddy bears to medical centers and eating disorder programs to
help patients recover. Cubs for Coping’s motto, “tiny teddy bear + lots of love
= hope for eating disorder patients” is really spot-on. The bears are really
adorable and well-made, a true comfort to anyone who receives them. Medical
centers can request to receive bears by emailing, and
you can purchase one at Cubs for Coping’s Etsy shop.
To show solidarity with Javorsky’s mission, you can like Cubs for Coping on
Facebook and follow it on Twitter.
I strongly recommend that anyone who needs or wants to give to tzedaka
(charity) donate to Cubs for Coping here.
Lizzie Elsberg, a student at the University of Virginia and an anorexia and bulimia
survivor, created the Purple Project. Named after the color of eating disorder
awareness, its goal is to encourage individuals to share their stories about
eating disorders and help those struggling with them. To participate in the
Purple Project, finish the sentence “I wear purple because…”, write your
statement down, take a picture of yourself with it while you’re wearing purple,
and email your picture to by December 15. Elsberg will
compile the pictures into a video about eating disorder awareness. “I want to
use this to help those who suffer and let them know that they are not alone and
that people want to support them,” she says. I plan on sending in a picture of
myself with a message, and strongly suggest that everyone who cares about
eating disorders and their devastating impact do soo, too!
Young women like Javorsky and
Elsberg really inspire me to do good in this world. They have taken their pain
and suffering and channeled it into positive outlets, where they can help
others overcome what they have gone through. My blessing to everyone in the
world is to be as strong and successful as they are.
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Feminist Theater Review: Emotional Creature
At the NOW conference in June, playwright
Eve Ensler delivered the keynote speech. She was a riveting speaker whose
passionate words truly rallied me to action. As a result, I’ve been hoping to
see one of her plays ever since. Luckily, her newest show Emotional
Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World is now playing
Off-Broadway, and I was able to get tickets!
The sheer awesomeness of Emotional
Creature truly floored me. Walking out of the theater, I was at a loss for
words and just kept repeating, “That was brilliant. That was brilliant. That
was brilliant.” The play certainly was absolutely brilliant, and extremely
well-made. It featured six extremely talented women actors, all of whom played
different characters in various scenes. They delivered a powerful message about
the state of girls today, from upper-middle class Midwestern America to the exploitative
factories of China.
Although Emotional Creature dealt with some very serious topics, humor
was sprinkled throughout the show, creating some comic relief and an
interesting contrast.
The fact that the show had true
multiculturalism really appealed to me. Of the six cast members, two were
African-American, one was Asian-American, one was Middle Eastern, and two were
white. The subject matter dealt with issues from almost every continent, from female
genital mutilation in Africa to being accepted by the popular crowd in North America. Although Emotional Creature really
celebrated diversity, my mother picked up on the fact that all the actors were
all relatively thin. The heaviest actor was only around a size eight. Considering
the show had a whole scene dedicated to body image and eating disorders, it’s
surprising that all of the actors that were cast had a similar, thin build.
Another thing I really liked was
how Emotional Creature equated Western girls’ problems with
international issues. When I heard Ensler’s speech at the NOW conference about
her work helping African survivors of violence rebuild their lives, I felt
almost guilty for being so concerned about issues like equal pay and the glass
ceiling. Like, how can I be worried about women entering the Senate when there
are women out there who are subjected to horrendous violence on a daily basis? The
contrast is so stark. So, I really appreciated that Emotional Creature
spent just as much time on the social pressures Western girls feel to live up
to their parents’ expectations as it did on sex trafficking in Eastern Europe. While
sex trafficking is clearly a lot worse than feeling obligated to be perfect for
your parents, everything is relative to those going through it.
Although Emotional Creature
is an hour and a half long, it felt like a few minutes had gone by when the
lights went down. Both my mother and I wished there was a second act, since the
first part was so fascinating and informative. The play was truly an inside
look on the secret life of girls, exploring the emotions girls feel and the
unique situations that only girls live through.
In addition to writing plays, Eve
Ensler is a feminist activist who created V-Girls, a youth-driven movement
dedicated to empower girls around the world inspired by Emotional Creature.
I know that I was rallied to action by seeing the show, and I hope that I wrote
a good enough review to make you want to get off the Internet and improve
women’s lives, too! For ideas on how to take action, check out the V-Girls website. Ensler also created V-Day and its
One Billion Rising campaign. One in three women on the planet will be raped or
beaten, and that is absolutely unacceptable. To protest this senseless
violence, women and those who love them will rise on February 14, 2013, moving
the earth and activating individuals across the world. One billion women
violated is one billion too much. How can we stand idly by? It is our duty to
demand an end to this. If we don’t, who will?
Emotional Creature will be
playing at the Romulus Linney Courtyard Theatre at the Pershing Square
Signature Center
through January 13. Get your tickets as soon as you can!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
I established the Essay Contest last
year because I noticed a serious lack of feminist-themed writing competitions.
Although I’ve found a few in the past year, the number is not anywhere nearly
as high as it should be. Regardless, the Star of Davida Essay Contest is now in
its second year and accepting submissions!
Description: The theme was
inspired by the Tumblr Who Needs Feminism?.
Answer the question “Why do you need feminism?” To end double standards? To
increase your sense of self-worth? To ensure that you feel safe when you walk
alone at night? Go crazy with your response, so long as it’s between 200 - 800 words.
How to Enter: Send your
essay as a doc, docx, or PDF file to If there’s a
technical issue with your entry, I’ll be in touch - don’t worry. In the subject
line, please write “Essay Contest” or something to that effect. On the top of
the first page, include your full name, school year, and email address.
Deadline: February 28,
Eligibility: Any and all
students (from preschool to a PhD program) who are feminists can enter.
Awards: The top three
winners will each win a copy of Julie Zeilinger’s debut book A Little F’d
Up: Why Feminism Is Not a Dirty Word. The winning essays will also be
published on Star of Davida!
Please direct any questions you
have to Happy writing!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Who Needs Orthodox/Jewish Feminism?
The extremely awesome Tumblr Who Needs Feminism? has garnered a lot of attention in feminist outlets over the past few months. Inspired by its popularity, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) created a similar Tumblr titled Who Needs Jewish Feminism? Orthodox Feminism?. Being an Orthodox Jewish feminist, I sent a few submissions of my own to the site.
I need Orthodox feminism because my community needs to reevaluate women's status. Because of its antiquated views, I have to conceal my identity whenever I associate with feminism. If my right-wing Bais Yaakov school finds out I support organizations like JOFA and Women of the Wall, I'll be expelled. Considering we live in the 21st century, that's just unfair.
I need Orthodox feminism because my Chumash (Torah) teacher has enough knowledge to be a gedolet hador (great rabbi of the generation) and not just a rebbetzin (rabbi's wife).
I need Orthodox feminism because nine guys and me should be able to say devarim sheh'bkedushah (parts of the prayer service which may only be said in the presence of ten men).
I need Orthodox feminism because my community needs to reevaluate women's status. Because of its antiquated views, I have to conceal my identity whenever I associate with feminism. If my right-wing Bais Yaakov school finds out I support organizations like JOFA and Women of the Wall, I'll be expelled. Considering we live in the 21st century, that's just unfair.
I need Orthodox feminism because my Chumash (Torah) teacher has enough knowledge to be a gedolet hador (great rabbi of the generation) and not just a rebbetzin (rabbi's wife).
I need Orthodox feminism because nine guys and me should be able to say devarim sheh'bkedushah (parts of the prayer service which may only be said in the presence of ten men).
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Sign My Petition: Remove Phyllis Schlafly From!
For today’s young feminists, the
name Phyllis Schlafly may be totally unfamiliar; if anything, it triggers a
distant memory of a footnote in an AP US history textbook. Those activists who
lived and fought during the Second Wave are, however, all too familiar with the
uber-conservative activist.
Ever since the 1940s, Schlafly has
preached that women should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. She has
said things like “By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don’t
think you can call it rape,” and has called Roe v. Wade “the worst
decision in the history of the US Supreme Court.” She recently endorsed the
candidacy of Todd Akin, of “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole
thing down” infamy. In the 1970s, when states were voting on the Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA), Schlafly waged the STOP ERA campaign. Although she believes
womankind as a whole should be homemakers, she apparently doesn’t apply this
rule to herself, considering she traveled around the country as part of STOP ERA.
Her efforts, and those of other opponents of women’s rights, were (unfortunately) successful; the ERA, which
would ensure that “equality of rights
under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on
account of sex,” was only ratified by 35 out of 38 states necessary.
(Although the ERA was not passed in
the 20th century, feminists have continued their efforts to
secure its ratification.)
Given the above description, I think it’s impossible to call Schlafly a
groundbreaker for women’s rights. For some reason, seems to
According to its website, is a “dynamic
digital platform…showcasing hundreds of compelling stories from women of today
and tomorrow.” There is also an affiliated documentary titled MAKERS: Women Who
Make America that “will tell the story of the women’s movement through the
firsthand accounts of the leaders, opponents, and trailblazers who created a
new America
in the last half-century.” One
part of the website showcases “Groundbreakers,” whom the website defines as
“firsts in their fields, visionary role models or frontline activists who
sparked, and some who opposed, change for women.” To the amazement of
feminists, Phyllis Schlafly is included as a Groundbreaker along with real
groundbreakers like Gloria Steinem and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
My mentor, National Organization
for Women (NOW) cofounder Sonia Pressman Fuentes was astounded by
this gross misrepresentation. She asked Betsy West and Dyllan McGee, the
producers of and the filmmakers of the forthcoming documentary based
on it, to remove Schlafly from the website
and film. They refused, although they did twice change the definition of Groundbreakers
until they settled on the one quoted above. Although the newest definition of
Groundbreakers includes those who opposed women’s rights, it still makes no
sense. “Since when are those who oppose progress considered groundbreakers?”
Ms. Fuentes asks.
“She most definitely does not fit the current description of ‘Groundbreaker,’” wrote US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in an October 10, 2012, letter to Ms. Fuentes.
“She most definitely does not fit the current description of ‘Groundbreaker,’” wrote US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in an October 10, 2012, letter to Ms. Fuentes.
Additionally, although
claims to include women alive today who were instrumental in changing women’s
status during the last 50 years, the website and documentary do not include a
single one of the nine living NOW cofounders. “The absence of any founding member of NOW is a huge oversight and surely should be corrected,” Justice Ginsburg also wrote in her letter. When Ms. Fuentes complained about Schlafly’s inclusion and
the dearth of NOW members, Betsy West offered several times to
interview her in a clear effort to buy her off. Ms. Fuentes declined to be interviewed
until Schlafly is removed from the website and film, or, at the very
least, moved from the status of Groundbreaker to something more accurate like
To urge PBS and AOL (’s
sponsors) to remove Schlafly from or, at least, remove her from the
designation of Groundbreaker, Ms. Fuentes and I drafted an online petition.
We’ve gotten a lot of support in a short amount of time, and that means so much
to both of us. However, to get the attention of, PBS, and AOL, we need
to make this thing huge. Sign the petition here.
Send the link to your friends, family, neighbors, and any organizations with
which you are affiliated or that you think would be interested in this issue. Understanding the history of women’s rights is essential to ending gender inequality. Unless
we ensure herstory is preserved correctly in websites and documentaries like, how can we expect to learn from the past and improve the future?
Monday, November 5, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Why We Still Need an Equal Rights Amendment
This post is
part of a series discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW)
Conference: Energize! Organize! Stop the War on Women.
I was surprised at how much
interest there was in the topic at hand. The room had a good number of seats, but
every chair was taken and a large crowd of people gathered in the back, so
eager to listen in that they were willing to stand or sit on the floor for an
As a history geek, I was really
excited when I saw a session about the ERA. I haven’t done much research on the
fight for the passage of the ERA - my knowledge it is pretty rudimentary,
especially for a women’s history nut like me - so I was looking forward to hearing
more about the past and present of the ERA. I wasn’t disappointed. The session
was thorough, effectively explaining the history behind the ERA and how it’s
still possible for it to be ratified.
Something that really struck me
about this session is how much American women really need an ERA. I knew it
beforehand and it’s sort of a feminist given, but this point really hit home as
I listened to the speakers talk about what the ERA can and will do when it’s
ratified, b’mhera b’yamenu (speedily in our days). If the ERA, or something
like it, is put on the books, sexism is literally illegal. Laws like the
Paycheck Fairness Act would be unnecessary, even redundant, since women’s right
to equal pay will already be protected by the ERA. The concept is, at least for
me, absolutely mindblowing. When the ERA passes, it means that America will
undergo a whole cultural shift! It means American society will be completely
transformed! It means that my daughters won’t have to deal with the inequality and
unfairness that my mother and I had to endure! Someone please show me the bad
part, because I can’t see it!
At a plenary session, I believe
it was Representative Carolyn Maloney who mentioned Supreme Court Justice
Antonin Scalia’s claim that women are not protected under the Constitution. She
then said something to the effect of, “That’s a challenge if I ever heard one!
We need to put women in the Constitution through the ERA, and fast!” Feminists
from every corner of the United
States should take Scalia’s claim as a
challenge, like Maloney said, and rally for the ratification of the ERA. We
need this amendment!
What you can do to help the ERA:
- Call your US senator and congressperson and leave them a message, urging them to support the ERA.
- Tell your friends and family to call their senators and congresspeople about the ERA.
- Write blog posts like these to raise awareness that the ERA is not dead!
- Sign up for updates from organizations like Pass ERA (
If we all work together, this can
be a reality.
This is my last blog post about
the NOW conference. I’ve been writing about my experience at the conference for
so long that it almost feels like the end of an era. But in conclusion, I think
the above message is my overall takeaway from that weekend in Baltimore: working together means good
results. That means women working with men, straight people working with LGBT+
individuals, Democrats working with Republicans, everyone working together for
a common goal: a better world for our children.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Closing Plenary
This post is
part of a series discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW)
Conference: Energize! Organize! Stop the War on Women.
Plenary VI, the
closing plenary session, was dedicated to celebrating Dr. Heidi Hartmann, who
was given the Woman of Vision Award, and Dr. Vivian Pinn, who received the NOW
Foundation Victoria
J. Mastrobuono Award. They were introduced by Bonnie Grabenhofer, NOW Executive
VP, and NOW President Terry O’Neill. I was unable to take notes on this
session, since it was Shabbat (the Sabbath) and Orthodox Jews are prohibited to
write, but I’ll do my best to share what was said and my impressions of the
Heidi Hartmann,
PhD, is the president of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), a
scientific research organization she founded in 1987 to meet the need for
women-centered, policy-oriented research. She is a feminist economist who has
done extensive research on women, economics, and public policy, frequently
testifies before Congress, and is often cited as an authority in various media
outlets. Dr. Vivian W. Pinn is also an extraordinary woman who deserves the
recognition. She was the only African-American and woman to graduate from the
University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1967. She went on to be the first
full-time director of the Office of Research on Women’s Health at the NIH,
where she made women’s issues a priority when few others cared.
Hartmann talked
about her mother, a single mom who struggled to make ends meet but ensured that
her daughter had more opportunities than she had. I could really relate to
this, since my mother has always supported my family. Although my mother is
very educated and always held responsible positions, she too wants me to have
more than she had. Hartmann was really inspiring, sharing her view of a utopian
world where society will take care of the downtrodden and ensure that they have
the resources to improve their own lives. I certainly hope that her vision of
the future will be a reality for my daughters and their daughters.
Pinn also spoke about her mother,
and how she was greatly disturbed when she went to a doctor’s appointment with
her mother and the doctor spoke down to her and wouldn’t take her seriously
because of her sex. Sadly, this doctor misdiagnosed her mother’s bone cancer,
which led to her premature death. This unfortunate experience gave Pinn the
determination to ensure that medical research properly addresses women’s health
and that doctors listen to what women have to say. She also talked about how she
became the director of the Office of Research on Women’s Health. When Pinn
heard it would be created, she suggested that it should address women’s health,
women’s careers, and diversity issues rather than just inclusion of women, and
expected to be told to go on sabbatical rather than given an offer to become
the director. She stressed the fact that if she had not spoken up, she would
probably still be working as a professor, and would not have been such a
groundbreaker in women’s health. In many ways, I feel like that was the message
of the entire NOW conference: speak up! Make your voice heard! Otherwise, who
Monday, October 29, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Young Feminists Organizing
This post is
part of a series discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW)
Conference: Energize! Organize! Stop the War on Women.
After the Mothers and Caregivers Summit were sessions that were “Just for Fun,” so I attended a laughter yoga session run by Ramana Lailah Heyman. The whole point of laughter yoga is to just crack up for no reason at all. It was definitely interesting, and left me feeling invigorated and refreshed for Plenary V: Young Feminists Organizing. I was unable to take notes on this session, since it was Shabbat (the Sabbath) and Orthodox Jews are prohibited to write, but I’ll do my best to share what was said and my impressions of the session.
After the Mothers and Caregivers Summit were sessions that were “Just for Fun,” so I attended a laughter yoga session run by Ramana Lailah Heyman. The whole point of laughter yoga is to just crack up for no reason at all. It was definitely interesting, and left me feeling invigorated and refreshed for Plenary V: Young Feminists Organizing. I was unable to take notes on this session, since it was Shabbat (the Sabbath) and Orthodox Jews are prohibited to write, but I’ll do my best to share what was said and my impressions of the session.
As a young feminist and member of NOW's Young Feminist Task Force, I really
appreciated that time was set aside to talk about young women’s
accomplishments. It always frustrates me when older feminists ignore or marginalize
my generation. We are the ones who will maintain current feminist wins and
fight for further gains, so it’s important that women’s rights advocates
understand how vital we are to the future of feminism. I’m glad to see that NOW
NOW Action VP Erin Matson and NOW
President Terry O’Neill introduced the Woman of Courage Award winner, Sandra
Fluke. Fluke, a law student at Georgetown,
was barred from testifying in front of Congress about no-copay birth control,
so she went on to speak only before House Democrats. Conservative radio host
Rush Limbaugh went on a three-day attack on Fluke, calling her a slut and
prostitute and otherwise casting aspersions on her character because she believes
the government should insure birth control. (Yeah, I know.) Fluke spoke about
her experience within the advocacy world and what it was like being in the
national spotlight for being pro-birth control and getting slammed by Limbaugh.
By far my highlight of this session was when we made eye contact. I kid you not,
I made eye contact WITH SANDRA FLUKE. It was amazing to connect with such an
influential feminist that way. Hearing about what Fluke went through in such
detail really shocked me, but what struck me the most was how Fluke had the
intestinal fortitude and sheer bravery and courage to withstand the insults and
criticism that were hurled at her. I don’t know if I could have ever been brave
enough to testify in front of Congress, let alone deal with the fire and
brimstone that followed. Fluke truly deserves the distinction of Woman of
After Fluke, Krystal Ball, an MSNBC
contributor, political writer, activist, and former congressional candidate,
spoke. When Limbaugh slandered Fluke, she was on the frontlines defending the
law student and (successfully) turning public opinion against Limbaugh. In
addition to discussing this, she also spoke about her fruitless bid for
Congress. It's a shame that she was not voted in, since she would be an awesome addition to Congress. I forget if she or Matson credited this unfortunate loss to the
country’s backlash against the Democratic party. With the election coming up,
it’s important that people vote for pro-woman candidates, otherwise women’s
rights are seriously doomed.
She was followed by Tamika
Mallory, national executive director of one of the nation’s leading civil
rights organizations, National Action Network (NAN). Mallory spoke about her
experience as a young woman in a position of power, how her entire life was
defined by civil rights advocacy, minority women’s issues, and the importance
of activism and getting up and doing something. She was interesting to listen
to, and I found her in-depth discussion of (feminist) activism and how
successful it can be enlightening. I also appreciated her perspective as a young African-American woman refreshing, since it's unfortunately pretty scarce within the mainstream feminist movement.
I really enjoyed and appreciated
this session as a whole. I sincerely hope that young women will continue to
advocate for women’s rights like Fluke, Ball, and Mallory.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Mothers and Caregivers - Summit
This post is part of a series
discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW) Conference: Energize!
Organize! Stop the War on Women.
Dearest readers, I'm sorry for the long break in posts - my father passed away during the holidays, so between holiday and sitting shiva things have been a little crazy in my house. But have no fear, blogging is back!
Saturday morning was Plenary IV.
This plenary session was part of the Mothers and Caregivers Summit. According
to the NOW conference website, “This summit…spotlight[s] the work of those who
form the backbone of all societies: mothers and caregivers. Because women
throughout time have been expected to automatically assume the responsibilities
of child rearing and caregiving, the importance of these roles is overlooked
and dramatically under-valued in our culture. The Mothers and Caregivers
Summit, co-sponsored this year by NOW Foundation and the Institute for Women's
Policy Research (IWPR), will feature ideas about how mothers’ and caregivers’
contributions can be properly recognized and valued.” I was unable to take notes on this session,
since it was Shabbat (the Sabbath) and Orthodox Jews are prohibited to write,
but I’ll do my best to share what was said and my impressions of the session.
They always-awesome NOW Membership
VP Allendra Letsome hosted the plenary. She first introduced Charon Asetoyer,
the executive director of the Native American Women’s Health Education
Resource Center,
who discussed Indigenous women’s health, especially as it pertained to
reproductive rights and access to birth control and abortion. After Asetoyer
came Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies at University of
Maryland in College Park, who spoke about women’s relationship to fashion,
consumerism, and material culture. The next speaker was Miriam Zoila Perez, a
birth and abortion doula and founder of Radical Doula, who talked about the
intersection of birth activism and social justice. Next came Karren
Pope-Onwukwe, a prominent elder law attorney, bar leader and community activist
who spoke about women, aging, and their rights. The final speaker was Janice
Lynch Schuster, a senior writer for Altarum Institute and its new Center for
Elder Care and Advanced Illness, who discussed how women and caregiving.
I found all the speakers
extremely illuminating, but I was particularly interested in Asetoyer’s
discussion about Native American women’s health, especially reproductive rights
and access to birth control and abortion. This was a topic I was completely
ignorant about, so I was happy to learn so much about it. What really struck me
was Asetoyer’s description of the sheer difficulty a Native woman living on a
reservation would have obtaining either birth control or an abortion. As a New
Yorker, I know that all I would have to do to get birth control is run to the
pharmacy on my corner and pick up a prescription that my doctor happily gave
me. In a stark contrast, women on a reservation would have to travel miles and
miles in order to get birth control, ignoring the fact that they have children
and/or other responsibilities at home.
I really enjoyed listening to Paoletti,
even though I’m really not into fashion at all. I am a history geek, though,
which is probably why I appreciated her discussion on how children’s clothing
has evolved throughout the years through a lens of gender. I found the
information she shared about the color pink as it relates to gender really
interesting, since it’s something I’ve noticed on a firsthand level (and even
written about). My mom once wrote an article about the development of the
gender divide on the color pink, and she used Paoletti’s work as part of her
research, so it was really cool to hear Paoletti speak in person.
Janice Lynch Schuster also got my
attention when she discussed the sandwich generation: typically 40 - 60-year-olds
who are caring for parents and children at the same time. I witnessed my mother
care for her mother throughout my childhood, especially after my grandmother
became ill. Although it was long-distance caregiving, it still took my mother a
lot of effort and gave her a lot of strain.
I really enjoyed this session,
since it was illuminating and full of information that I wasn’t familiar with
beforehand. Since I always like to learn about various feminist and women’s
issues, this was right up my alley. One can’t get much more diverse than putting
Native American women’s rights, fashion in pop culture, birthing and maternal
issues, women and aging, and women’s caregiving responsibilities together!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Improving Employment and Opportunities for Low Wage Workers and Women of Color
This post is part of a series
discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW) Conference: Energize!
Organize! Stop the War on Women.
On Saturday morning, I attended a
session that was part of the Mothers and Caregivers Summit titled Improving Employment and Opportunities for Low Wage Workers and Women of Color. According to the NOW
conference website, “This summit…spotlight[s] the work of those who form the
backbone of all societies: mothers and caregivers. Because women throughout
time have been expected to automatically assume the responsibilities of child
rearing and caregiving, the importance of these roles is overlooked and
dramatically under-valued in our culture. The Mothers and Caregivers Summit,
co-sponsored this year by NOW Foundation and the Institute for Women's Policy
Research (IWPR), will feature ideas about how mothers’ and caregivers’
contributions can be properly recognized and valued.” I was unable to take
notes on this session, since it was Shabbat (the Sabbath) and Orthodox Jews are
prohibited to write, but I’ll do my best to share what was said and my
impressions of the session.
This session was moderated by
Claudia Williams, a research analyst at IWPR. The other speakers were Jeff
Hayes, senior research associate at IWPR; Jane Henrici, study director at IWPR;
and Matt Unrath, Wider Opportunity for Women (WOW)’s director of national
The session began by addressing
the importance of raising the minimum wage, especially for tipped workers. A
couple months ago there was a big push to raise the minimum wage, I remember
signing numerous petitions to make this happen. Unfortunately, I don’t believe
it ever did, and it’s stagnant at $7.25. This session demonstrated the real
need to raise the amount. Tipped workers make a mere $2.13 an hour, which is
certainly not enough to support a single person, let alone a family. It’s not
right to make a tipped worker, about two-thirds of whom are women, to depend on
tips, since some weeks may bring in hundreds while other times very little is
They also discussed the
importance of establishing STEM programs for young mothers, especially at the
community college level, so that they can get raining for a good job rather
than getting stuck at a dead-end, low-paying position with no skills or hopes of
advancement. While I don’t remember details, they presented a convincing
argument for funneling millions of dollars into establishing these kinds of
programs. That is, until they mentioned that a high percentage of women
enrolled in already-existing programs of this kind drop out after a year.
Personally, if this is the case, I don’t understand the point. Before we take
taxpayers’ money and spend it on establishing new programs, we should pinpoint
the reasons why women are dropping out of ones that are already around, fix the
problems, and bring the graduation rate up. Then, and only then, should new
programs be established. Otherwise, the money spent on these women is totally
wasted, and could have been better used on a different cause.
Another speaker presented the
BEST tables, a measure of the basic needs and assets workers require for
economic security throughout a lifetime and across generations. While I
understand that a point of reference is necessary for the government to know who
needs the most help to stay afloat, I really take issue with the current
system. Just because a person has an income that’s relatively high doesn’t mean
that they can afford their basic needs. Need shouldn’t be determined by income,
but by the difference between income and basic living expenses (rent, food,
phone, etc., in addition to more unusual unique expenses, like paying for a
nursing home for an immediate family member).
Although I did not necessarily
see eye to eye with every point that the speakers presented, this was an
interesting session to attend. I really did learn a lot from it about where
mothers and caregivers are in term of wages and professions. I certainly hope
that the measures they presented will prove to be effective in remedying
women’s unfair situation in these matters.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Faith and Feminism - Can a Religious or Spiritual Woman be Feminist…and an Activist for Reproductive Rights?
The third breakout session I
attended at the NOW conference was titled Faith and Feminism - Can a Religious
or Spiritual Woman be Feminist…and an Activist for Reproductive Rights? It was
moderated by Allendra Letsome, NOW Membership Vice President. She spoke for
Protestants at large, but practices as a Methodist. Representing Catholicism
was Marissa Valeri, the Catholics for Choice Outreach Coordinator. Mona Lisa
Wallace, San Francisco
NOW President, is spiritual and “believe[s] in the Goddess as a pre-Abrahamic
religion.” Jacqueline Steingold, a National NOW Board Member, was the Jewish
emissary. She is specifically a member of the Reform movement. Jerin Arifa, a
NOW National Board Member and Chair of the NOW National and NYS Young Feminist
Task Forces, spoke for Islam. The atheist representative was Annie Laurie
Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
When I saw that there was a
session about the intersection of religion and women’s rights, I was really
excited. I hadn’t expected there to be a space for religious feminists at the
conference, so it was a cool surprise that such a session was being offered. It
was the last session before Shabbat (Sabbath) began, so I felt it was a
relevant topic to hear about.
I really appreciated that there
was a representative from every major religion. It was nice to hear about all these different faiths, which I am largely ignorant of, and how they can be very much feminist.
I learned a lot in this
session, especially about Catholicism and feminism. The Catholic emissary,
Valeri, explained how a lot of what is accepted as Catholic teaching,
especially about reproductive issues, is not as simple as it seems. I had
never known any of that. There’s a car that I often see parked in my neighborhood with a
bumper sticker that says “Catholics and choice: you can’t be both.” I’m happy
to know that the owner of this SUV isn’t as correct as he or she thinks. (While
I’m discussing this bumper sticker, I’m complaining about it from a design
standpoint. It says “Catholics and Choice” in really big letters, and the “u
can’t b both” in small letters. As a result, from far away, it looks
pro-choice. As a graphic design geek, this bothers me to no end.)
I also learned a lot about
Islamophobia. Arifa, the Muslim representative, spoke about her experiences
with Islamophobia within feminist spaces, which really made me sad. I had
always thought that it’s accepted within liberal spaces that terrorism does not define
Islam. It shocks me that women who call themselves feminists can act so
blatantly discriminatory towards Muslims. How can someone who is dedicated to
empowering women discriminate against a portion of the global community, which
obviously contains women? Islamophobia is a step away from anti-Semitism and
every other ism out there. It’s imperative that we fight every ism with the
same intensity, since they all lead to the same end.
I think that everybody in attendance, regardless of
religious affiliation, couldn’t stand the atheist representative, Gaylor. This
was not because of her beliefs, but because she was extremely militant about
them and alienated the religious people in the room. When she said “The Bible…[is]
very misogynist,” steam was coming out of my ears. How dare she call my holy
book sexist? What right does she have to say that the Bible is anti-woman? As
someone who believes the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) is God’s word as recorded by
Moses, I feel that it is impossible for it to be discriminatory towards women;
God loves all people, regardless of sex or gender, so God would not give us
rules that are unfair to women. While it may seem misogynist on the surface, or
may be twisted to seem sexist, at its core the Tanakh is a feminist chronicle.
And for an atheist to tell me that my holy book is misogynist? That does not
fly AT ALL. Who the heck does Gaylor think she is to tell me the Bible is sexist?
Just because she doesn’t believe in its validity doesn’t mean she has any right
to criticize it and judge it.
One thing that really surprised
me about this session was how many women felt uncomfortable being religious
within feminist spaces. Several women in the audience talked about when they
came out as religious to their feminist friends, and a couple of the panelists
expressed empathy, having gone through the same thing. The idea that so many
women are struggling with reconciling their religion with their feminism is so
foreign to me. While it took me a while to realize that Judaism and feminism
totally mesh, it did happen within a relatively short amount of time. I’m
really glad that it did, and it’s not something I struggle with.
When I first created Star of
Davida and corresponded with some of the major Jewish feminist bloggers, Shira
Salamone of On the Fringe advised me not to throw out the baby with the
bathwater when it comes to Jewish feminism. I thought it was interesting the
same concept was shared by Wallace, who identifies as spiritual. I guess it
applies to every religious affiliation. That’s, in essence, what I took away
from this session: we’re all working towards the same goals, regardless of
if/where we pray.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Title IX at 40 - Breaking Barriers, Challenging Limitations and Strengthening Advocacy Networks
This post is part of a series
discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW) Conference: Energize!
Organize! Stop the War on Women. You can read my notes on this session here.
The second breakout session I
attended at the NOW conference was Title IX at 40 - Breaking Barriers,
Challenging Limitations and Strengthening Advocacy Networks. The first speaker
was Dr. Bunny Sandler, NOW’s Woman of Action honoree who is also known as the
Godmother of Title IX. She discussed Title IX’s impact on high school
athletics, sexual harassment, and bullying, and how it’s supposed to be
enforced. Next was Dr. Christina Vogt, former President of West Virginia NOW
and education equality researcher. She read a letter she wrote to the WV
school superintendent about how to improve the system from a feminist
perspective. The third speaker was Jennifer Martin, former NOW Title IX Task
Force Chair. She talked about how Title IX has to do with bullying and the
importance of Title IX coordinators. Afterwards came Sue Klein, the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Education Equity Director. She
talked about the rise of single-sex schools and classes during the Bush
administration and how to stop the trend. Next was Stephanie Ortoleva, an
advocate for the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities in education
programs. She discussed the barriers that women and girls with disabilities
face, especially the obstacles that stand in their way of receiving an
education. The final speaker was Eleanor Smeal, former NOW President and
Advisor to the NOW National Board. She talked about the harm that single-sex
schools perpetuate, and how it’s important to protect not only girls’ rights,
but those of boys too.
It’s unfortunate that Title IX is
usually only associated with women’s athletics, since it really does so much
more. The reason it may not be widely known that Title IX protects women and
girls from sexual harassment and bullying is because, as Sandler said, it
originally didn’t. The term sexual harassment didn’t exist when Title IX
was passed in 1972, so it would have been difficult for Title IX to prohibit
something that there was no language for.
It really broke my heart when
Martin talked about a Michigan
anti-bullying law that couldn’t pass because it contained LGBT+ language. I
understand that some people feel uncomfortable with LGBT+ individuals and the
concept of homosexuality at large; it’s their prerogative to feel that way, as
much as I disagree. However, it’s beyond my comprehension for anyone to support
the persecution of the LGBT+ community, especially kids and teens who are gay. While
Title IX protects victims of LGBT+ bullying/harassment, it’s not usually very
well-enforced. I find this situation absolutely unacceptable, and I’m glad that
there are activists like Martin out there doing something to remedy it.
Another thing that got my
interest was the rise of single-sex public schools and classes. Klein explained
that there are only about 1,000 sex-segregated classes and 100 completely
segregated schools in the entire country, but it’s an issue that must be nipped
in the bud or it will spread. Having separate classes or schools for boys and
girls is a Title IX issue because separate usually means unequal, so each
gender gets a different quality education (you can guess who gets the short end
of the stick). Personally, I’ve spent more time in single-sex classrooms than I
have in mixed environments. I went to a K-8 Modern Orthodox school, and when I
was there the classes were coed K-4 and separated from 5-8, except for tracked
classes (Hebrew language from 4-8 and math in 8). My ultra-Orthodox Bais Yaakov
high school is all-girls. I see no problem with single-sex education, and I am
extremely happy that I am in an all-girls environment. However, there is no
place for sex segregation in public schools, and it’s shocking to me that
people are trying to bring the idea to life.
I really appreciated hearing what
Ortoleva had to say. I’ve got some health issues, although I am far from being
disabled, so hearing about the plight of girls with disabilities across the
world really makes me feel blessed. The double discrimination that girls with
disabilities face is really heartbreaking, especially in developing countries.
I have always been relatively
ignorant about Title IX, the landmark legislation that outlaws sex
discrimination in federally-sponsored programs, so this session taught me a
lot. I’m really glad that I attended.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Political Roundtable
This post is part of a series
discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW) Conference: Energize!
Organize! Stop the War on Women. You can read my notes on this session here.
Within the third plenary session
at the NOW conference was the Political Roundtable, moderated by Bonnie
Grabenhofer, NOW Executive Vice President. She briefly discussed the context of
today’s American politics and how the War on Women is in full swing. The first
speaker was Sarah Reece, director of the Academy for Leadership and Action at
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. She discussed the Task Force’s efforts
to lobby for pro-LGBT legislation and to change people’s minds in favor of LGBT
issues. Afterwards came Linda Hallman, CEO of the American Association of University
Women (AAUW). She discussed the NOW-AAUW campaign It’s My Vote, I Will Be Heard
to encourage young women to vote. Eleanor Smeal, a former NOW President and
Advisor to the NOW National Board, spoke next. She listed the Republicans’ sins
and underscored the importance of making sure the GOP does not succeed. Representative
Carolyn Maloney was the final speaker. She too mourned the current anti-woman
political climate, celebrated feminist victories, discussed her work in
Congress to lobby for pro-woman measures, and urged the public to “go out and
demand” equal rights.
I was afraid that this session
was going to be irritating, since I figured it would solely consist of
Republican-bashing and Obama-worship. While a lot of that did go on, I was happy
that it was kept to a relative minimum, and speakers spent more time focusing
on pertinent issues and how to fix them rather than whining about what’s
happening and pointing fingers. My whole philosophy towards life is if you don’t
like something, change it; shut up, stop complaining, and get to getting
yourself out of situation you’re stuck in. When fellow progressives start blaming
Republicans for all the world’s evils, it really gets on my nerves, since it
doesn’t accomplish anything. Yes, it’s important to understand who is
threatening our rights and why they are doing it, but it’s much more worthwhile
to spend our precious time actively working against these people and trying to
thwart their goals. As a result, I was glad that this session mostly focused on
current efforts to stop the rollback of women’s rights and how people can get
One particular campaign that I
found absolutely fascinating is the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s
attempt to have real, sit-down conversations with people who aren’t on board
with the LGBT+ advocacy cause yet. It’s such a good idea, and I can’t believe
it’s not used more often as an advocacy tool. Conversation and connection is an
integral part of any viable relationship, and if we want people to think the
way that we do on the issues, we need to establish a relationship based off of
mutual respect. Going back to what I said before, if we constantly bash
Republicans, we’ll never get into a conversation with one, and never be able to
learn from each other and broaden each others' horizons. (Yes, believe it or
not, there’s something to be learned even from - gasp - Republicans.) So in
summation, I think this idea is brilliant and should be used more often as part
of advocacy.
I also really appreciated the
emphasis of how much one person can have an impact. Hallman’s entire address
was about the magnitude of voting - the campaign is called It’s My Vote, I Will
Be Heard, after all - and the extreme importance of getting women to the polls
in November. Smeal also discussed how we have to show our feelings at the
ballot box. Throughout her speech, Maloney urged every individual to call his
or her representatives and let them know how he or she feels on the issues. I’m
a big fan of the concept that one person can leave a mark on the world, by
doing simple actions or going for the big time, so I was happy to hear that
these awesomely amazing women agree with me. Over the summer, I was discussing
my feminist activities with someone I met, and mentioned how important it is to
vote. The person I was speaking with was dismissive of the idea. One vote seems
very insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but if everyone says, “Oh, my
ballot doesn’t count for much,” nobody would go to the voting booth. Seriously,
every vote counts. All of our voices are equally important.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Musings on the NOW Conference: Woman of Action Award
This post is part of a series
discussing the 2012 National Organization for Women (NOW) Conference: Energize!
Organize! Stop the War on Women. You can read my notes on this session here.
The fourth session I attended at
the 2012 NOW conference was Plenary III. During this plenary session, the Woman
of Action Awards were awarded, followed by a Political Roundtable. The
all-around amazing Allendra Letsome, NOW Membership Vice President, introduced
the Woman of Action honorees: Dr. Carroll Estes and Dr. Bernice “Bunny”
Dr. Estes is a pioneer and
esteemed researcher in aging policy research, and has served in several
leadership positions within that field. In her acceptance speech, she talked
about the three women who she feels most impacted her life: her mother, who
showed her that women can write; Maggie Kuhn, the Gray Panthers founder, who
taught her about the intersection between ageism and social justice as well as
advocacy; and Tisch Summers, who taught her the adage “don’t agonize,
organize.” She also lamented the War on Women and urged everyone to fight back.
Dr. Sandler was an integral part
of getting Title IX, as well as one of the first people to bring attention to
campus sexual harassment. She credited the award to all of the women who gathered
data on their campuses. Sandler went on to discuss the importance and impact of
Title IX and how nobody expected it to be landmark legislation. She also said
that the biggest impact Title IX has had on her grandchildren is that allows
them to have friends of the opposite sex.
I found both Estes’ and Sandler’s
speeches really enlightening. What stood out to me from Estes’ speech was that
she found inspiration everywhere, from major players like Maggie Kuhn and Tisch
Summers to a regular person like her mother. As someone who tries to draw
inspiration (feminist, religious, and philosophical) from everyone and
everything I happen upon, I really appreciate Estes’ dedication to learning
from her surroundings.
I found it really interesting
that Sandler believes that Title IX’s biggest impact on her grandchildren is
allowing for friendships with the opposite sex. Sandler feels that it just
shows that Title IX facilitated a social revolution, one that is still happening,
and she can’t be more right. Despite the fact that my school is all-girls, I’ve
maintained and made friendships with guys throughout the past few years. These
relationships have really broadened my horizons, just because the guys are cool
individuals who I like in the same way that I like my female friends. I am so
glad that I was born in this generation rather than 50 years ago, when such
friendships wouldn’t have been possible.
When talking about her mother,
Estes said that she had been a burgeoning mystery novelist when her father told
her to stop writing; her success scared him. It’s so sad that her mother’s
talent was quashed the way it was. Sandler also mentioned that in the 1960s,
21,000 women were rejected from Virginia
state colleges, while not a single male applicant was turned away. She wondered
aloud if the cure for cancer was in that 21,000. While writing mystery books is
clearly not on the same level as possibly discovering some amazing scientific cure,
it’s still the same concept of women’s abilities not being harnessed to their full
potential. I feel grateful that women like Estes and Sandler didn’t just moan
and groan about the unfairness of the situation, and did something about it. As
Tisch Summers said to Estes, “Don’t agonize, organize.”
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