I'm saddened, but not surprised, that women are still wildly underrepresented in the business world. Although women represent about half of the global population, they hold very few positions of power within corporations and businesses. Although the business world is much better to women now than it was 50 years ago, it's still far from a perfectly equal environment for both sexes. I certainly hope that the next generation will see a marked change in this arena. We need a proportional share of the decision making seats. If not, well, the business world will just continue to go at the rate it's currently at. I think we all agree that's not the direction anyone wants to go in.
"We have been nice girls long enough. We’ve made our cholent…we should take to the streets." - Blu Greenberg
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Women in Business
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Monday, February 25, 2013
NEDAwareness Week and Operation Beautiful
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
This post is part of NEDAwareness Week, where everyone who wants to end eating disroders raises awareness about the issue.
I go to a private all-girls
school. While the stereotype that we’re all a bunch of lesbians and catty
bullies is definitely false, the stereotype that we’re all suffering from eating
disorders is not too far from the truth.
Okay, that’s an exaggeration. Certainly
there are a lot of girls at my school - I would say the large majority of the
student body - who would never dream of starving themselves, vomiting up their
lunch, going online to find thinspiration, or do anything of that sort.
However, a sizable percentage of girls at my school are, in my opinion, unhealthily
worried about their physical appearance, especially body weight. Sometimes it
seems I can’t go a day without walking into the bathroom and hearing two girls
counting calories or bragging how much time they spent on the elliptical. Lunchtime
always depresses me, since the amount of girls eating bunny food is much too
high for my liking.
It’s just so sad and unfortunate
that our society has brainwashed girls to always feel inadequate, that teenage
(and post-teenage) females for the need to shed pounds, add another layer of
make up, do something to conform to today’s beauty standards. No one person can
change this phenomenon; as depressing as it is, this will only end when a social
shift occurs.
Until then, individual people CAN
make a difference. I’ve begun to try and make change through the Operation
Beautiful campaign. Operation Beautiful was created by Caitlin Boyle in order to
end negative self-talk and thoughts among young women. Boyle was fed up by
women’s constant dieting and feelings of inadequacy, so she stuck a post-it
note on a bathroom mirror with a positive message about body image. This became
the Operation Beautiful campaign. I’ve read about it for the past several
years, but I finally decided to participate in it this year. I’m tired of
hearing absolutely beautiful, intelligent, friendly girls in my school complain
about how they look. So I’m doing something about it by putting sticky notes
with positive messages on mirrors in my school.
Yes, the cleaning staff takes
them down every night, and every once in a while I’ll find one in the garbage, but
they’re worth replenishing. Whenever someone sees me putting one up, they
always begin to smile and say “ooooh, you’re the one who’s doing that?” I know
that people have taken notice of these notes, and in a positive ways. If even
one girl is boosted for a minute because of one of my Operation Beautiful
sticky notes, my mission is accomplished.
There are only three student
bathrooms in my school, so it’s not too hard for me to put sticky notes in all
of them on a regular basis. However, even if you go to a big school with
hundreds of students and innumerable bathrooms, I strongly suggest you
participate in Operation Beautiful anyway. Posting these sticky notes has also
helped me, since I’ve been struggling with some weight gain in the past few
Some suggestions of what to say:
Girl you’re amazing just the way
you are
You are beautiful in every single
It’s what’s underneath the skin,
the beauty that shines within
Don’t hide yourself in regret,
just love yourself and you’re set
It’s the weight of your ideas,
not your body, that counts
The inside is what’s important
You are beautiful the way you
are. Right NOW. No matter what you think.
The human body is the best work
of art
Even the models we see in
magazines wish they could look like their own images
You are imperfect, permanently
and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.
You are already good enough.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Have A Meaningful Fast and Chag Sameach!
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Today is Ta'anit Esther, the fast day commemorating the biblical Queen Esther's three days of fasting before approaching King Ahasuerus. Purim, the holiday celebrating the Jews’ survival of an attempted genocidal plot in ancientPersia, will be on Sunday . There
are a number of strong women in the Purim story, notably Queen Esther, the
Jewish woman who saved her people.
Today is Ta'anit Esther, the fast day commemorating the biblical Queen Esther's three days of fasting before approaching King Ahasuerus. Purim, the holiday celebrating the Jews’ survival of an attempted genocidal plot in ancient
Some cool Purim articles to read:
The Polish Queen Esther - this article, which discusses an eerily similar situation in medieval Poland to the Purim story,
is absolutely fascinating.
Another Feminist Purim Spiel - for those of you who have been following me for a while, this article
appeared on the Ms. magazine blog.
Ta'anit Esther is International Agunah Day - a video narrated by Dr. Rachel Levmore, Rabbinical Court Advocate, to keep yourself aware that agunah (a husband denying his wife a Jewish
divorce), unfortunately, still exists.
Help Agunah on Ta’anit Esther - a post I published to commemorate International Agunah Advocacy
Rosh Hodesh Adar II - another article I wrote that talks about Adar, the Jewish month
that Purim happens in, and a lot of weird correlations it has to my family.
Lilith's Purim page - more links to articles about Purim and women.
Artwork above made by yours truly!
Artwork above made by yours truly!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Black Holes of Davida: Michael Bloomberg
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Since Michael Bloomberg has been mayor ofNew York City ,
my hometown and current city of residence, since I was seven years old, he’s
the only mayor I can really remember. Ever since I was able to form an opinion
on Bloomberg, I’ve felt pretty neutrally about him; I had never heard of
anything he’d done that made me squee in delight or gasp in horror.
Since Michael Bloomberg has been mayor of
As a result, I was really taken
aback when I read that Bloomberg had said “I know for a fact that any
self-respecting woman who walks past a construction site and doesn’t get a
whistle will turn around and walk past again and again until she does get one.”
It was recorded by Bloomberg LP employees in The Portable Bloomberg: The Wit
and Wisdom of Michael Bloomberg, a 1990 book dedicated to record the
mayor’s more memorable comments.
I had to read the quotation twice
for its actual meaning to set in. At first, I was confused; is he trying to say
that women will purposely walk past construction sites, even multiple times, to
garner attention from the workers there? No, that can’t be, I must have read
that incorrectly. Everyone knows that women don’t like that, that women will
cross the street to avoid construction sites and the unwanted comments that
often come with them. Then I read the quotation a second time and realized that
my eyes hadn’t deceived me.
It’s so upsetting to find out
that the man who has led my hometown for the past decade is so insensitive to
street harassment, an issue so close to my heart. Bloomberg made it seem like
women want and even vie for the chance to be catcalled. In reality, the polar
opposite is true: women feel unsafe and humiliated and just plain grossed out when
they are harassed on the street. I daresay that few people would go out of
their way to have such an experience.
Upon doing research on
Bloomberg’s history with sex discrimination, his track record is far from
clean. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a class-action lawsuit
against Bloomberg LP for 72 women who suffered from pregnancy-related discrimination.
Another statement in The Portable Bloomberg is “If women wanted to be
appreciated for their brains, they’d go to the library instead of to
Bloomingdale’s.” He also told NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn “Do you pay a
lot to make your hair be two colors? Because now it’s three with the gray.” (Considering
his own hair is gray, he’s got a lot of chutzpah to say this.) Had I known all this, I
wouldn’t have been so surprised that Bloomberg was so insensitive towards
street harassment.
Well, Bloomberg’s final term will
be up in November, and the mayoral position will be up for grabs. I certainly
hope that his replacement will be more understanding of street harassment, and
recognize the fact that it’s not just a catcall. It’s a women’s rights issue.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Feminist Movie Review: Hansel and Gretel

Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
I recently saw the movie Hansel
and Gretel: Witch Hunters. I’m not going to ruin the entire plot for those
of you who haven’t seen it, but basically, the lovable siblings become a pair
of professional witch hunters. It wasn’t my type of movie, but I did enjoy it,
although I could’ve lived with less blood and gore.
Going into the movie, I was
curious as to what the gender portrayal of the witches would be. I was
unsurprised, but nonetheless slightly disappointed, that only women were shown
as witches.
I suppose Hansel and Gretel was
just being (mostly) historically accurate, as traditionally, women were the
ones accused of witchcraft. One reason for this is because healers were usually
women, and people were often suspicious of what they perceived as healers’
supernatural powers. Midwives were especially susceptible, as grieving parents
of an infant who died would often accuse the midwife of murdering their child
through witchcraft. Widows and older women were another especially victimized
demographic, largely because they lacked a man to protect them from people’s
speculation. Since the witch hysteria occurred in Europe and America when Christianity was the
dominant religion, it was spurred on by medieval Christian teachings that women
were the perpetrators of sin, as they understood it from Original Sin.
Although most accused witches
were women, numerous men were also suspected of witchcraft and executed. Men
were usually labeled as witches so the accuser could exact revenge or gain
financially or politically. Unfortunately, Hansel and Gretel decided to
ignore the viability of men as witches and only depicted them as women.
I also was interested to notice
how the movie showed witches of color. As the story takes place in a small town
in nineteenth century Europe , all of the
characters are white. However, towards the end of the movie, witches from all
over the globe make an appearance. One Asian witch is shown. However, that is
the end of the diversity; every other witch shown is white.
Factually speaking, the concept
of witchcraft existed in pretty much every society in the world in the
nineteenth century. The Atharvaveda is an Indian book of spells and
charms, assumedly used by witches. In West Africa , an obayifo is
a witch or vampire-like creature who can possess animals to kill people,
inhabit people’s bodies, kill children, and weaken crops. Brujos and brujas are
South American witches of both sexes, conceived through a fusion of Spanish,
Portuguese, and Native American folk beliefs about magic.
Despite the fact that so many
non-white cultures have concepts of witchcraft, past the token Asian witch,
everyone in Hansel and Gretel was white. Would it have been so
difficult to cast more non-white actors as witches? If a witch could travel to
Europe from Asia, certainly witches in Africa and South
America could hop on their broomsticks and make their way over.
Well, the end of the movie
definitely made it possible for a sequel. Let’s hope that if there is a
follow-up movie, witches will be from both sexes and more races rather than
predominantly white women.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest - EXTENDED!
A few months ago, I announced the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest. The deadline I established then is February 28, but I have decided to extend it by six weeks to April 12!
Some Ideas You Can Write About:
I need feminism because...
double standards are unfair.
I shouldn't have to avoid mirrors to feel good about myself.
men should be able to be sensitive without being called "gay."
I want to feel safe when I walk alone at night.
women should be able to count in a minyan.
I'm tired of being a victim of street harassment.
slut-shaming is not acceptable.
just because I don't want to get married doesn't mean I'm a lesbian.
I should be able to lay tefillin even though I'm a girl.
there should be more strong women characters in movies and on TV.
I don't want to have to be Superwoman.
rape culture has to end.
How to Enter: Send your essay as a doc, docx, or PDF file to starofdavida@gmail.com. If there’s a technical issue with your entry, I’ll be in touch - don’t worry. In the subject line, please write “Essay Contest” or something to that effect. On the top of the first page, include your full name, school year, and email address.
Deadline: APRIL 12, 2013
Eligibility: Any and all students (from preschool to a PhD program) can enter.
Awards: The top three winners will each win a copy of Julie Zeilinger’s debut book A Little F’d Up: Why Feminism Is Not a Dirty Word. The winning essays will also be published on Star of Davida!
Please direct any questions you have to starofdavida@gmail.com. Happy writing!
Deadline: APRIL 12, 2013
Eligibility: Any and all students (from preschool to a PhD program) can enter.
Awards: The top three winners will each win a copy of Julie Zeilinger’s debut book A Little F’d Up: Why Feminism Is Not a Dirty Word. The winning essays will also be published on Star of Davida!
Please direct any questions you have to starofdavida@gmail.com. Happy writing!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Feminist Book Review: All in the Family
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Self introduces the era by discussing societal expectations of the American man in the 1960s: namely, that he was a heterosexual, patriotic breadwinner whose paycheck was large enough to support his family without any additional income. These expectations were “contingent on female domesticity,” or what Betty Friedan would come to call the feminine mystique of women dropping any career-related aspirations in order to become housewives and mothers. Although Americans aspired to and expected men and women to follow these prescribed roles, Self explains that these expectations did not represent reality, as not all men were heterosexual, many men opposed the war in Vietnam and many married women and mothers worked outside of the home in order to make ends meet.
This is just one of many misconceptions that Self manages to clear up in All in the Family. With his expert research and skilled analysis, he manages to contextualize the history of the family and thereby analyze how it impacted politics, legislation, social expectations and American culture at large.
The author goes into a detailed exploration of identity politics and how fraught they were (and still are). He brings forth the story of Juanita Ramos, a lesbian Puerto Rican-born New Yorker. Within male-dominated nationalist Puerto Rican circles, she was marginalized because of her sex and sexual orientation. The women’s liberation movement, while supportive of lesbians, was mostly made up of straight, white, middle-class women unable to truly include someone so different. Ramos’ story is indicative of the difficulty many women faced in the 1960s and 70s, when the world was not yet advanced enough to understand the complexity behind identity and the many factors that comprise a person’s self and place in the world.
It’s an unfortunate turn of events that many modern-day gay rights activists are largely ignorant of the rich history of the movement. It is of interest to note that Self’s research on this topic, as well as every other chapter in the book, is impeccable. He traces the roots of what was called the homophile movement until modern day, from early attempts at inclusion in mainstream society to the right-wing response against expanded gay rights. Knowing the history of the fight for equal rights is essential to understanding the current state of the battle.
Another intriguing point that Self makes in All in the Family is that, originally, the battle for the legalization of abortion was a male-dominated one. In the early 1960s, dialogue about abortion wasn’t even about women’s health and well being: It centered around population control and marital privacy. The absurdity of this fact is clear. As ridiculous as it may be, reproductive rights are still legislated by those who are not directly impacted by them. The 2012 election and ongoing War on Women are clear evidence of this unfortunate trend, with women such Lisa Brown shunned from the Michigan House floor for using the technical term for female genitalia, and terms such as“legitimate rape” added to the national lexicon.
Throughout his discussions of every movement, Self takes pains to include voices and opinions representing every viewpoint. He quotes women like Barbara Gittings, a radical lesbian feminist, as well as Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative activist who fought against women’s gains. Including such a diverse array of voices enhances the reader’s understanding of the era.
While All in the Family is undeniably an excellent and informative nonfiction, it is not without its flaws. Self tends to forget that the reader is not necessarily a historian, and often neglects to provide adequate background information.
Although we live in a very different world than the one that existed in the 1960s and 1970s, in many ways it is still the same. Where feminists fought for the right to have an abortion in the late 1960s and early 1970s, modern-day feminists have to ensure that the reproductive rights our mothers secured remain intact. Reading All in the Family will give everyone, from the novice feminist to the longtime activist, the ability to understand the battles that have been waged and the things that still need to be fought for.
Robert O. Self aptly dedicated his newest book, All in the Family: The Realignment of American Democracy Since the 1960s, to “my family.” True to its title, the book explores the political and cultural changes in America from the 1960s on, as well as the impact these transformations had on American conceptions of the family and gender roles.
Self introduces the era by discussing societal expectations of the American man in the 1960s: namely, that he was a heterosexual, patriotic breadwinner whose paycheck was large enough to support his family without any additional income. These expectations were “contingent on female domesticity,” or what Betty Friedan would come to call the feminine mystique of women dropping any career-related aspirations in order to become housewives and mothers. Although Americans aspired to and expected men and women to follow these prescribed roles, Self explains that these expectations did not represent reality, as not all men were heterosexual, many men opposed the war in Vietnam and many married women and mothers worked outside of the home in order to make ends meet.
This is just one of many misconceptions that Self manages to clear up in All in the Family. With his expert research and skilled analysis, he manages to contextualize the history of the family and thereby analyze how it impacted politics, legislation, social expectations and American culture at large.
The author goes into a detailed exploration of identity politics and how fraught they were (and still are). He brings forth the story of Juanita Ramos, a lesbian Puerto Rican-born New Yorker. Within male-dominated nationalist Puerto Rican circles, she was marginalized because of her sex and sexual orientation. The women’s liberation movement, while supportive of lesbians, was mostly made up of straight, white, middle-class women unable to truly include someone so different. Ramos’ story is indicative of the difficulty many women faced in the 1960s and 70s, when the world was not yet advanced enough to understand the complexity behind identity and the many factors that comprise a person’s self and place in the world.
It’s an unfortunate turn of events that many modern-day gay rights activists are largely ignorant of the rich history of the movement. It is of interest to note that Self’s research on this topic, as well as every other chapter in the book, is impeccable. He traces the roots of what was called the homophile movement until modern day, from early attempts at inclusion in mainstream society to the right-wing response against expanded gay rights. Knowing the history of the fight for equal rights is essential to understanding the current state of the battle.
Another intriguing point that Self makes in All in the Family is that, originally, the battle for the legalization of abortion was a male-dominated one. In the early 1960s, dialogue about abortion wasn’t even about women’s health and well being: It centered around population control and marital privacy. The absurdity of this fact is clear. As ridiculous as it may be, reproductive rights are still legislated by those who are not directly impacted by them. The 2012 election and ongoing War on Women are clear evidence of this unfortunate trend, with women such Lisa Brown shunned from the Michigan House floor for using the technical term for female genitalia, and terms such as“legitimate rape” added to the national lexicon.
Throughout his discussions of every movement, Self takes pains to include voices and opinions representing every viewpoint. He quotes women like Barbara Gittings, a radical lesbian feminist, as well as Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative activist who fought against women’s gains. Including such a diverse array of voices enhances the reader’s understanding of the era.
While All in the Family is undeniably an excellent and informative nonfiction, it is not without its flaws. Self tends to forget that the reader is not necessarily a historian, and often neglects to provide adequate background information.
Although we live in a very different world than the one that existed in the 1960s and 1970s, in many ways it is still the same. Where feminists fought for the right to have an abortion in the late 1960s and early 1970s, modern-day feminists have to ensure that the reproductive rights our mothers secured remain intact. Reading All in the Family will give everyone, from the novice feminist to the longtime activist, the ability to understand the battles that have been waged and the things that still need to be fought for.
This was cross-posted at the Ms. magazine blog.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Star of Davida Interviews Naomi Less
Don't forget to submit an entry to the Second Annual Star of Davida Essay Contest!
Although many people don’t
realize it, Jewish women are actually pretty cool performers. Cass Elliot (born
Ellen Cohen), Amy Winehouse, P!nk (her mother’s maiden name is Kugel), Paula
Abdul, Regina
Spektor…the list can go on and on. Within the religious sphere, there are
certainly rocking Jewish women who are shattering gender stereotypes with their
music while simultaneously connecting with God. One such woman is Naomi Less.
Less created Jewish Chicks Rock,
an umbrella organization for the activities and programs she has developed to
ensure that girls become “resilient, strong, and healthy individuals…[who can] shine
and rock.” She explains that breaking gender stereotypes is so important to her
because the Jewish community “needs to reflect all the voices in the community…
if there are only male voices, you’re not actually getting the perspective of
all Jewish people.” I could not agree with Less more. If we want to see the
Jewish community flourish, it is imperative that everyone’s thoughts are heard
and considered. Otherwise, the Jewish community is not truly inclusive, and
people will feel alienated from a religion and society that has the potential
to be a beautiful place for Jews of every persuasion.
Last summer, I attended Genesis
at Brandeis University , an academic program for
Jewish high school students. I cannot even begin to fully express how awesome
Genesis, and its sister arts program BIMA, is; I mean it when I say that I
literally had the best time of my life there. Less also had an extremely positive
experience with Jewish summer camps. “Eight weeks wasn’t long enough for me,”
she explains with a laugh. As a result, she does programs and workshops with camps
to help kids develop their Jewish identities and relationship with their
Creator. “The kids actually get the opportunity to process and understand what
they’re experiencing so they can make meaning for themselves,” Less said. I
think it’s so beautiful that she is giving campers the opportunity to find
themselves and where they stand on the religious spectrum.
I was really interested by the
fact that Less leads worship services, considering she is a lay person and
performer, not a member of the clergy. “I want to facilitate an experience that
allows people to grapple with meaning, to investigate in an immersive way the
meaning of the prayers, and how it relates - or if it relates - to their lives,
in accessible way,” she explained. Over the past few years, I have really begun
to understand the importance of tefillah (prayer), and done my best to
delve into the text of the tefillot so as to best connect to my Creator.
However, all of this effort on my part would have been unnecessary if my
Orthodox day school had instilled a love of tefillah in me during my
nine years at the school. Before I really began to appreciate tefillah,
I know that I would have greatly benefited from one of Less’ prayer services
and workshops, as she makes the text accessible, understandable, and personal,
thereby empowering the individual in his or her Judaism. “Our tradition, the
Talmud, is about commentary, and that your voice is as important as an ancient
voice,” she said.
One of the many causes close to
Less’ heart is marriage equality and LGBT+ rights. “I’ve been a lover of Keshet
[an organization for LGBT+ Jews] for many years,” she said. Less underscored
the importance of including LGBT+ Jews as “equal participants…who are valued
for their personhood, not defined by their sexuality.” Less developed the
training initiative Addressing Evaded Issues in Jewish Education, which deals
with common problems among teenagers, from academic pressure to body image to
sexuality, that educators have difficulty handling properly. Less brought this
initiative to Keshet, where it was so successful that the organization made it
part of its training institute.
Less will actually be performing
a livestreamed concert through Jewish Rock Radio benefiting Keshet tomorrow,
February 6 at 8:30 PM. “When Jewish Rock Radio told me who the beneficiary
would be for the concert I’m doing, I was thrilled because this is an
organization that would’ve been on my shortlist. Keshet’s great at activating
people and giving them concrete actions to do,” she said.
I feel safe saying that as an
active Jew, dedicated performer, and social justice activist, Naomi Less is
truly a Jewish chick who rocks.
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